How to approach the challenges of caring for a loved one at home


Families faced with the decision of caring for a loved one at home may feel apprehensive about taking on the responsibility.

For many, caring for mom or dad at home is unchartered territory. As a result, caregivers may doubt their own abilities to take on the task or may feel overwhelmed as a full-time caregiver.

Jennifer, at 50, began to care for her father. It presented her with a unique challenging situation, she said. However, the weight of the responsibility lessened once she realized she didn’t have to embark on this journey alone.

Jennifer decided to work with me to create a custom family program.

Moving in her dad wasn’t the only step Jennifer took, it was merely one of the first steps. She understood that she had to learn a new language, known as being “dementia aware.” This new skillset allows her to provide the care her dad deserves, one that’s centered on compassion, awareness of the ever-changing limitations and the understanding that we can form meaningful moments through proper care.

Depending on the need and circumstances, we comprehensively prepare individuals with family members suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s. The program brings everyone together to form a plan of action, and equips individuals with the best training, to provide the best in-home care.

Whether your care plan includes in-home care, we know that good caregiving is family and community inclusive.

My “Blue Ribbon Family and Community” presentation focuses on this type of communal care. We believe the best care must involve everyone within the patient’s orbit of care. The training program raises dementia awareness for family members, and others, so they can elevate their understanding and approach. Dementia awareness allows us to fully care for others, form meaningful relationships and enjoy special moments each time we interact and care for our loved ones.

If you would like to learn more about my training programs and seminars, please be sure to visit my training page.

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