Transforming your care through online dementia awareness training


It is more important than ever before to elevate the level of care we are providing to the vulnerable community of those who have dementia symptoms. Whether a loved one has recently received this life-altering diagnosis or you’re a professional caregiver seeking more effective tools for providing exceptional care, you’re in the right place.

One of the most important ways you can enhance the life of someone living with dementia symptoms is to lead with love. To put it simply, this means keeping an open mind and holding your heart open while providing care. During my “Raising Community Dementia Awareness” online video training series, viewers will have the opportunity to learn how to do just that by increasing “dementia awareness” and through an enriched understanding of what it’s like to move through life with dementia symptoms.

The digital course will provide easy-to-understand tips and strategies, covering the emotional and psychological impacts of memory impairment, the ripple effects dementia has on our community and effective strategies for taking a loving approach to care. After each chapter of the training, attendees will be able to take a quiz, feel better prepared to form meaningful connections and feel confident in achieving positive care outcomes for those they care for. Upon completion of the training, their facility will become a certified “Dementia-Aware Safe Space” and I will send them a sticker to proudly display.

Trainings are conducted by video, with no need for contact, and can be viewed by a single individual or large groups. Individuals and groups that complete the training will receive an official certification for display at their facility.

Take the first and most important step toward dementia awareness by signing yourself and your team up for a training. If your facility or individual needs fall outside this, contact me to find out how we can work together. You don’t need to navigate these uncertain waters alone and the Dementia Aware community is here to support you.

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