What does a ‘Dementia Whisperer’ do?


If you’ve stumbled upon this blog, you may have just learned that a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia and you’re not sure where to turn. Or, you may be a professional caregiver who is looking for support to expand your toolbox of care strategies. Or, you may be a first responder looking for guidance on how to help people you meet for the first time who have dementia symptoms.

Whoever you are, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.

The symptoms of memory impairment can be frightening to both the person experiencing them and the caregivers who care for them because there is so much that is unknown. It is my privilege to guide families, care organizations and first responders toward a loving approach to caring for the memory impaired. Here are a few ways I do that.

Team-wide trainings: The care environment can be a challenging one. When in-home care professionals and care facility teams master the strategies to improve the level of care they are providing, wonderful things can happen. With offerings like consulting, workshops, C.E. courses, speaking appearances and leadership retreats, it has never been more convenient to enhance the lives of those in your care with education. Learn more about training options here.

Professional certifications: One of the most important ways we can support the memory impaired is by providing public spaces that they feel comfortable in and can flourish in. I’m proud to offer “Dementia Aware” certification programs for professional facilities and public safety departments so that you can tell the world you’re a safe space for those who need it most.

Community: When you’re a part of the #IAmDementiaAware community, you’re never alone. Join us in raising awareness to remove the stigma and enhance the experiences of those living with memory impairment.

Family support: Families are rarely prepared for a life-changing diagnosis of dementia. Tapping into the support of one-on-one counseling, individual or family counseling can help you find joy and peace in the uncertain and assist your family in learning how to move through your new meaning of normal.

Online support group: The “Loving Approach to Dementia Care” Facebook group is an online community where caregivers gather to connect, share stories and encourage one another. Together, we help raise awareness and celebrate one another’s successes in providing care.

Every journey with dementia is a unique one and, while we don’t have a cure yet, we can work together to bring joy and purpose to the caregiving community and those in our care. Learn more about training and educational opportunities here.

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