Supporting our frontline workers with online CE dementia training for nurses


As the pandemic continues on and widespread closures of residential facilities remain in place, frontline workers in the medical field are being depended on more than ever before. This is especially true in skilled nursing and residential facilities, where health care professionals are needed to play a critical role in the absence of family caregivers, providing support for both physical and emotional health.

Whether you’re a caregiver in a residential facility for the memory impaired, or you are a licensed nursing professional, if you provide care for people living with dementia symptoms, you are likely being pulled in many directions right now. I am here to support you with the proper training you need to elevate the level of care you provide.

Here are some of the valuable topics we will cover in my online training course for RNs, LVNs and RCFE administrators: “Continuing Education Credits for RN/LVN’s and RCFE Administrator Licenses.”

Transform your perspective of dementia: There is, unfortunately, a stigma associated with dementia that creates additional barriers for those experiencing it, and their loved ones. Dementia impacts not only the people diagnosed, but it has a ripple effect on the lives of the people who love them and the communities they live in. When we create safe spaces and loving environments for the memory impaired to thrive in, everyone benefits.

Understand the health implications of brain loss: Compassion begins with understanding someone’s unique journey and, while we can’t step into the shoes of someone living with dementia, we can attempt to understand what it feels like to live life with symptoms that cause unease, discomfort and fear so that we can work to prevent them.

Connect with the memory impaired: When brain loss occurs, many emotions and feelings remain, and caregivers can connect with those in their care by learning how these are felt and what has changed. This leads to deepened connection, purpose and joy for both the caregiver and the person in their care.

Implement strategies into your care: Gaining a deep understanding of the experience of those in your care is an important first step to improving the care you are providing, but what matters most is what you do with your knowledge after that. I’ll share easy-to-implement and effective strategies to enhance the care you’re already providing.   

Navigating dementia is undoubtedly challenging, for both the person diagnosed and their caregivers. By furthering your understanding of their experience, you can create daily opportunities for joy and provide care from a loving place.

Please join me today and earn 4 CE’s in the process.

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