Tips for managing guilt as a caregiver

Tips for managing guilt as a caregiver

Feelings of guilt are common among dementia caregivers. Caring for someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease means you are doing a tough job, and one that comes with complex emotions, both positive and negative. Oftentimes, these negative emotions manifest as...
Feel-good stories to celebrate National Family Caregivers Month

Feel-good stories to celebrate National Family Caregivers Month

The news headlines have been heavy and filled with sadness lately, so I thought I would share a few uplifting stories. November is National Family Caregivers Month and these are great reminders that, beyond the darkness, there is so much light to be found in caring...
The principles of being Dementia Aware

The principles of being Dementia Aware

As you’re probably aware, individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or who are showing dementia symptoms require very specialized care. That’s why I’ve spent the last two decades working to raise dementia awareness among both family members and professional caregivers who...
Tips on preventing someone with dementia symptoms from wandering

Tips on preventing someone with dementia symptoms from wandering

As you are likely aware, there are many challenges that come along with caring for someone who is living with dementia symptoms. Every week, I discuss a new topic with my online Dementia Awareness community on Facebook Live. A recent important topic we talked about...
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